The rising temperatures have resulted in air cooling (AC) increasingly or less essential for all households. But choosing the wrong AC for your home can result in hefty electric bills or regret when you purchase an AC which isn’t great in cooling your space. It is crucial to gather the right knowledge prior to going to a shop and purchase one. This buying guide will assist you in identifying the elements you must consider, in order to ensure that you make the right AC purchase to avoid the heat of summer.
What kind of AC is best to buy?
Windows and split air conditioners are two of the most well-known types of AC that are available for use at home. They share identical features, but have different sizes. Due to their size and designs they have distinct advantages and disadvantages for each one.
Air conditioners for windows are among the most frequently used single-room ACs. The components of an AC are integrated in a single box unit. Therefore, window ACs are much simpler to set up as opposed to split air conditioners. They are typically mounted on a window sill, or an opening within the wall. However the fact that they’re functioning parts in the same box implies they’re more noisy that split-ACs. They’re the most suitable option for smaller spaces and they’re priced at a price that is affordable.
Split ACs as their name suggest, consist of two units. The unit inside is put inside the home, and the outdoor unit is placed outside. Because the compressor is situated within the outside unit split ACs can be more quiet than window ACs. Split design makes it challenging to set up the AC because you need to make holes into your walls to run the cables and tubes which connect both units. They can be set up in rooms with no windows and offer a convenience that window ACs can’t offer. They’re sleek and come in stunning styles that are designed to complement the style of your space. They’re a bit more higher over window ACs however.
How do you determine what capacity is appropriate for your space?
Once you have decided about the kind of AC it is important to identify what the power of your air conditioner is. Its capacity for ACs can be measured by tons. Window and split ACs come in different capacities, between 1 and 2 tons. Tonnage for an AC is not a reference to its weight, but is that determines the speed at the rate at which it AC can cool the room. In simplest terms the larger space will require an air conditioner with more tonnage.
A reliable method of determining the precise capacity required is to take into account what is known as BTU (British Thermal Unit). BTU is the most common measurement unit for classifying air conditioners. The higher the BTU higher, the better cooling capacity of an air conditioner. One ton of air is estimated as 12000 BTU. According to international standards, it’s believed that you will require around 20 BTU per square. feet. This number may also change according to the temperature of the room, as well as other elements.
The table below can help you determine the proper tonnage according to the dimensions of your room as well as the budget needed to purchase the desired kind of AC. Be aware that these price ranges are estimates intended for informational purposes only.
Capacity guide for air conditioner
A larger tonnage indicates that the air conditioner could be more costly, however the cost of the AC could also vary based on the features it has and its energy efficiency.
The dimension of the room is the primary thing to take into consideration when determining the weight but there are other elements that require some consideration. For instance the size of windows as well as the amount of sunlight that gets into the room must also be taken into account. It’s crucial, especially in the summer months, since sunlight entering the room could also increase the temperature a little. When you’ve got a huge window that faces the sun at a particular period of time it is recommended to have an air conditioner that has greater BTU. In the same way, the amount of lighting fixtures you have in your room can also make an impact. A higher number of electronic devices operating in the room could raise the temperature significantly.
What is the best way to choose the most efficient AC in line with your requirements?
One of the primary reason why people steer off buying the air conditioning unit is the cost of running it. The effectiveness for an AC was earlier described by the term EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) but as temperatures across seasons, a brand new standard is being implemented to be used – ISEER . It’s the ratio of an air conditioner’s capacity to cool (BTU or Tonnage) to its power consumption total. The ISEER ratings are usually referred to as stars, which can allow you to identify energy efficient air conditioners. The higher the rating of the stars higher the energy efficiency of your air conditioner. If you’d like to learn the details about ISEER ratings and their significance make sure to go through our article about it.
air conditioners that have similar capacities should not necessarily be the identical power consumption. Certain ACs consequently, have an ISEER rating that is higher than other models. But, these ACs can be costly. In these instances it is essential to consider whether buying the higher-priced but more efficient model is the right choice.
To comprehend this concept in greater depth, let’s look at an example of models X, and two ACs with the identical capacities in 12,000 BTU (1 ton). Model X has an energy usage of around 2,000 Watts while Model Y is powered by a consumption that is 1,500 watts.
To determine which of the two models is the most efficient Let’s figure out the amount you’ll save using model Y, compared with model X in the course of a single year’s usage. This will also reveal how fast you’ll be able to recover the extra cost of Rs. 55,000 that you have to pay for it. Let’s say that the AC is used for around six hours every day, and for a period of 6 months during the year when we don’t need the AC as much during the winter and rainy seasons. It would translate to the equivalent of 1080 hours (180 days divided by six hours) of use per year.
Inverter-equipped ACs
If the cost of electricity is your primary issue, then an inverter-equipped AC is among the most effective options to opt for. In conventional air conditioners, the compressor is either running at its highest speed, or shuts off. The constant switching off and on the compressor to adapt to temperature changes, takes lots of energy. Inverter-equipped air conditioners in contrast conventional air conditioners continuously manage their speed motor so that it can adjust to any slight fluctuations in temperature within the room. Inverter air conditioners are believed to be more efficient than conventional air cooling units. The inverter equipped ACs are also believed to be more efficient and last longer.
In addition to the power consumption and capacity There are many other aspects to think about. One of the primary things to consider is the type and quantity of air filters that are used in air conditioning units. The majority of manufacturers offer anti-bacterial filters to help clean the air of bacteria and other harmful germs so that you can create an environment that is safe for everyone. Certain air conditioners also come with Odour-removing filters.
The majority of air conditioners today features flaps that can be manually move to direct air. Others give you the option of using a remote that can be used to automatically regulate the direction of airflow.
Other attributes:
It is also possible to purchase an AC which comes with a remote which has an electronic display. This is helpful in controlling all the options. It can be helpful, for instance, by using the timer feature that can turn to turn off and on the AC according to your preferences. The noise levels of the AC must also be considered particularly if you plan for it to be installed in the bedroom. The sound levels of an air conditioner are normally listed in the specification.
Refrigerants are among the most crucial component of your cooling system. They are liquids that go through phase conversion cycles, from gas to liquid, and back to cool the air coming in the AC. The most widely used refrigerant until today is R22. The refrigerant is being removed by R410a that is thought to be more eco-friendly. The R410a refrigerant also comes with a less boiling point, which implies that it’s more efficient in power. A cooling system that uses R410a is not only beneficial for the environment, but also cost-effective in the long term.
Advanced features:
Apart from these options, you could select other features, such as cold and hot AC. Air conditioners are now an increasingly popular option in the marketplace. These air conditioners function as all-weather ACs. They are not just employed as an AC during the summer, but could also serve to heat your room in the winter months. Certain air conditioners come with adaptable features. They have built-in sensors that assess the surroundings of the space and adjust the air around the individuals in line with it. Certain air conditioners also alter the direction of their airflow towards the other side of the room when there are the people inside.